Steve Jobs was known to employ a "Reality distortion field," when in negotiations with others. The mesmerizing Jobs could convince his audience that right was wrong and black was white when he needed to. I now believe that is exactly what the Western media have been doing for the last twenty or so years.
Readers who have followed my analysis of the events of 9/11 will already know that the American CIA set up and funded Al-Qaeda to fight the Russians in Afghanistan in the seventies. They trained and armed them and when the Russians finally pulled out, the CIA lost interest in the Al-Qaeda lads. Having militarized and radicalized them, they simply dropped them because they had no more use for them. Osama Bin Laden was one of those guys and we are told that he didn't just go away and settle down.
The Russians however did go home and settle down, so much so that they actually ended up dissolving the Soviet Union, freed up many former states to become independent and they ended the Cold War. But there was a retrospective interview with Gorbachev in the Irish Examiner last week where he bemoaned the lost opportunity that his policies offered the USA at the time. He made the point that they, (the West), gloated and were triumphant rather than embrace the chance to cement world peace between the two superpowers.
I remember the time well and the feeling that with an end to the Cold War we could have a lasting peace. Then weak American leadership cheer-led by our media began the reality distortion field and what actually happened ……… actually didn't happen. The offer of the hand of peace from Russia was scorned in favour of playing to the gallery at home. We were told that America won the war, there was victor and a vanquished and the World was now safer because America was in charge. We no longer had a balance of power but that was OK because the Yanks were the good guys anyway.
I have referred to 9/11 as the catalyst for all the bad that has happened this century. It was the (convenient) excuse for the American Government to declare war on anyone they didn't like in the absence of a credible counter-balance like the USSR. When the Russians invaded Afghanistan the Yanks bleated about the freedom for the Afghans. But when they themselves invaded that country, freedom for the locals was off the agenda. When Iraq was fighting Iran for eight years Saddam was an American icon but when he made moves to take Iraqi oil out of the petrodollar, he had to be murdered and his country raped. Similarly when Gaddafi suggested a pan-African dollar backed by Libyan oil proceeds, he was also murdered and his country driven to oblivion. Meanwhile our Western media told us all how good this was and how fair America always was in its dealings.
The same CIA turned their attention to Georgia and the Ukraine to create trouble for Russia there and they succeeded. We were told that the big bad Russians were up to their old tricks, by way of explanation. Then the Yanks placed ballistic missiles in Germany, Poland and Turkey aimed at Moscow and we were told that this was for our protection. The CIA also fomented trouble in Syria to oust the elected leader there and that dirty war is still ongoing. But Syria was where Russia drew the line. Reality was not so distorted in Moscow that they would allow they ally in Syria to go the same way as Saddam and Gaddafi.
Documented evidence has surfaced which shows that ISIS is another Al-Qaeda, set-up and funded by the Americans via the CIA. There is a warped commonsense to it because if you are going to fight a war on terror then you are going to need terrorists to justify it. So if you are the only superpower, the safest route is to make your own terrorists, point them at a perceived enemy and then call them rebels. Putin was interviewed recently where he said the Russian secret service know who these terrorists/rebels are and they even know their names. They show up one week as paid American mercenaries in Syria and when a better offer comes along elsewhere, off they go to fight the Americans. Putin asks what the Yanks are up to.
I despair of our Western media now but it is still possible on U-Tube to learn a little about the views from the other side. to this end, I urge you to have a look at the following three videos.
Interviews with Bashar al-Assad
Western media lies about Syria exposed (Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett)
Robert Fisk, who holds more British and International Journalism awards than any other foreign correspondent, has covered the Middle East for over thirty years and the lad has a way of telling it like it is. If you want to really know the back story of Aleppo today, have a look at these articles.
We don't only get a sanitized picture of world events here, we get lies, mis-truths, distortions and plain propaganda to condition our unquestioning support for a new American Imperialism. But the Russians have woken up and although they spend a tenth of what the US spends on their military each year, they do have the ultimate sanction in their arsenal. And yet, in the States, there are those who are now beginning to believe that America could win a nuclear war with the Russians.
That is the truly frightening aspect of the Syrian situation.