Climate Conundrum
We had two good weeks in May and the first two in June weren't bad either. Since then though, it's been just more climate change I'm afraid. The greenhouse gases have gone mad again and it's all our fault. I'm as guilty as the next man because I was on some flights and even drove my car around like there wasn't a problem. Mind you, every time I bought a ticket to fly or filled the tank in the car, a few bob went to fighting the CO2 so at least I'm doing my bit, aren't I? They take it at source now you see.
So the received wisdom is that man made CO2 makes the temperature rise. The more of the bad old CO2 added to our atmosphere, the higher the temperature goes. The CO2 comes first and temperature rises come after that as a result is what they're saying. Except in climate charts going back thousands of years, the temperature always rises first only to be followed by a rise in greenhouse gases. CO2 is one of the greenhouse gases but not the only one.
That fact alone always puzzled me because it begs the question, does high temperature cause CO2 or does CO2 raise the temperature? Well, when historical references show the temperature going up first then heat must be the cause of CO2 after it, not the other way around as the climate change people claim.
That's all very fine as far as it goes, but where's the rising temperature coming from then if it isn't us burning fossil fuels? You'd be forgiven for being confused because all we ever hear about is man-made CO2 doing the damage. However, the alleged damage is caused be the combination of greenhouse gases of which CO2 represents as little as 3 per cent. The other 95 per cent of total global greenhouse gases are caused by naturally occurring water vapor. Yep! Evaporating ocean water which makes up 70 per cent of the surface of the earth, is the major greenhouse gas. Farting cows or methane is as low as 1 per cent of the problem. These are facts not even disputed by the IPCC.
This is where it gets interesting though. Let's take the 3 per cent of it that is CO2 and look at what part man plays in that. Firstly, if you know no better, you probably think of CO2 as some deadly dangerous gas that could kill you if you weren't aware. But surely you are aware that the human body requires oxygen for life itself? Well it does, and when we suck in oxygen, (for life's sake), our bodies convert it to CO2 and then breathe that out. The oxygen is just clearing the CO2 out of your body each time. This makes us all polluters, doesn't it.
Except CO2 is not a pollutant and is vital for other living things. They sort of thrive on absorbing it you see. For example, all plant life needs CO2 the same way we need oxygen and when they get it, they breathe it in, so to speak, and exhale oxygen. What a trade off, you might think. Plant-life has a process for doing this. Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a by-product. When you think about, plant life gives us foods like vegetables but they also provide us with oxygen. It's one of Mother Natures great cycles, bless her.
But hang on! If CO2 is necessary for plant life, how have the little buds been getting on with all this expensive climate change around us. Happily, vegetation worldwide is thriving from rich growth, sunlight and water. The wheat swaying in the fields is leaning towards the busy highway sucking in that precious CO2 for life itself. CO2 is not Carbon MONOXIDE, the secret killer gas in the home. It is a life giver for our food and we then give it life back. That's how it all works.
Bearing in mind that all the CO2 existing on this planet makes up only 3 per cent of the greenhouse gases, then its effect on climate is negligible. Evaporating water rises from warm oceans and forms 95 per cent of the gas blamed for climate change, by the infamous IPCC. Man is pretty insignificant in that scenario. Man is even more insignificant when you consider ocean tides, lunar cycles and exploding stars whose radiation comes to us thousands of years later. But the biggie in all of it is our Sun and the whacking great nuclear explosions that happen there constantly. Mankind in such a context is not even consideration.
What prompted me to dwell on all on this was a video I watched again tonight. The ad for the lecture reads, "Fake Man-Made Climate Change Alarmism has been gripping the planet, and followers of this insidious cult of CO2 have been frightening millions of people for decades. Now Dr Fred Goldman exposes the so-called "Science" of Dangerous Man-Made Climate Change for the complete nonsense that it is. If you have a head for facts and figures, it's all here including a frank FAQ at the end with his audience. This learned Swede speaks with the confidence of a life spent learning and if you would like to see the great scam of the age exposed, have a look yourself.
I hope when you seen that it will make you think, as it has made me think and you will begin to ask yourself, "Should I be worried about climate change or is the bigger problem the whole racket around that expensive fabrication? Think green taxes while you're at it.