Let's Express

A Clarification and a Suggestion

I need to make an apology to Poles everywhere because it turns out that the drunk driver I referred to was in fact Romanian. So my article should have been entitled, "The lads back in Bucharest must be laughing their holes off."  

But the story doesn't end there. According to 'De Paper" this morning, "Transport Minister Paschal Donohoe may appeal to the Supreme Court over the drink-driving loophole, amid fears that thousands of drunk drivers could have their cases dismissed."  Now firstly, notice they talk about this using the phrase, "amid fears." Who's scared exactly? Are you frightened perhaps? Is it time to get all the kids in off the street? I don't think so. I think the Government are the ones suffering fear over this because it's just one more cock-up to add to a whole litany of them that threaten re-election.

Our Transport Minister Paschal Donohoe is a complete idiot with a lisp but he's feigning concern and worry lest the law should be seen to be an ass. A trip to the Supreme Court, or the "Four Goldmines" as it is known, will cost the taxpayer a fortune. So I have a suggestion. If Pascal is being sincere and he truly cares that much, why doesn't he take a personal action to the court. Why doesn't Pascal put his hand in his own deep Ministerial pockets and pick up the tab for this one, seeing as it was he that fucked up in the first place.

Anyone think that's a good idea?

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