I got some really great news yesterday by text.
Well it was received by my iPhone at 2340 last night, but anyway.
According to Biomnis, my Covid test results are back and my test performed on 30/11/’20 at 1312 hrs shows the virus has not been detected. Whoopi!!
A special thanks to all of the ‘Eurofins Biomnis Team’ for such a prompt response too. Imagine, getting the Covid test at lunchtime and having the results back before midnight the same day. Now that’s what I call service.
Problem is, I didn’t have the Covid test, never was called for one and never even asked for one. I don’t know how to put this other than to say, “Biomnis never tested me for this or anything else.
Oh, and their text message finished with the legend, ‘please do not text back’ so I can’t even tell them they’ve made a cock up.
Meanwhile some poor trusting idiot is out there awaiting his/her test results, hoping for good news but also fretting lest it mean insolation all the way up to Christmas.
Isn’t modern science a wonder?