Let's Express


Today, Tuesday the 4th of September 2018, I will make a prediction. Within the coming days there will be yet another chemical attack in Syria and the Government of Assad will instantly be blamed for it by the so-called ‘International Community.’

I predict this because the Syrian army with the aid of Iranian land forces and the Russian Air Force in support, are readying to drive the last of ISIS and Al Qaeda out of the country. Both the US and some European Governments have been warning Assad all last week that any use of chemical weapons by him will be met with force by them. But the simple truth of the matter is that Assad has no need to use chemical weapons to win this last battle. In fact, under UN supervision, all of Syria’s chemical weapons were destroyed several years ago and officially they don’t even have any.

The previous two incidents where chemical weapons had been alleged to have been used in Syria were never proven to have been utilised by Assad’s army. In both cases they were accusations without the necessary hard evidence. But the western media repeated the accusations often enough until ordinary people believed they must be true. In both cases in the past, it would have been no benefit for the Syrians to use chemical weapons, (that they didn’t have at the time). The opposite is the case. They knew that if they could use such weapons they would invite unwanted interference from the US with everything that entails. On top of that, their use of conventional weapons was, and is, having the required effect anyway.

So the reality today is, that if the US proxies in Syria, (both ISIS & Al Qaeda), are not ordered to set off some chemical ordinance in Syria before the end of the week, then their last bastion of terror in that country will be overrun by forces of the elected Government and the US plans to oust Assad will come to come to an ignominious end. The public in America will view it as a defeat and that is what is electrifying President Tramp today.

According to the Journal this morning, “The US President has warned Syria against launching an attack on the country’s last rebel/islamist terrorist stronghold.” Laughingly he said that, “The offensive could trigger a “human tragedy”. Ah! How do I put this? If you want to see real human tragedy, look no further than Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Lebanon and the plight of the Palestinians, where each of these human tragedies were instigated by the United States in recent years wither directly or by proxy. Indeed there is mounting evidence that the CIA started the whole Syrian war as a proxy war using Saudi money and Israeli intelligence and if so, the tears they are shedding about the coming battle are crocodile tears.

Shortly after 911, General Wesley Clark was shown a top secret document in the Pentagon. In it he learned that the US planned to ‘take out’ seven countries in five years, Syria included. So as early as 2001, the military strategists of the US were making plans to destroy Syria by covert means and that is why we are where we are today. What the yanks did not plan for was the Russian and Iranian support for Assad. Without them, Assad would be hanging by the neck in Damascus long before now.

So mark my words lads. Either Tramp will leave it alone and pull out his troops as he said he’d do, or some poor unfortunate Syrians will be murdered by chemical weapons this week in that war torn land. If so, it will be the opening gambit of the next Global war.

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