Let's Express


I penned a piece not long ago about money and ever since I have been searching for the documentary film that sparked my interest in the topic. Last night I stumbled on it and it is worth a look if you really want to understand the phrase, “Money is the root of all evil.”

Entitled, “International Monetary System – New Economic Slavery,” it is only fifty minutes long so think of it as a well spent hour out of your life. You’ll discover how a bloke who had defaulted on his mortgage got away with it when the bank took him to court. More importantly though there is an excellent explanation on why money is not what you think it is.

There’s a line in it where the narrator explains that in the days of slavery, the colonial power had to feed and house the slaves. Monetary slavery however expects the slaves to house and feed themselves and indeed makes a profit from that as well. The cash in your pocket is someone else’s debt and your debts are other people’s cash. Interest on loans, (manufactured money), is the guarantee that defaults must take place no matter how hard we try and the socialization of private bank debts in 2008 was the silent invasion of this country designed to enslave Irish citizens.

I use the word ‘designed’ because it was all part of a much larger global plan. When a country is made indebted, its citizens dumped into debt, then wages can be driven down and the Government can be forced to sell the Nation’s natural resources to service the debt while its citizens can be forced to work those resources and the profits earned from this go into the pockets of the new foreign owners.

It is the blueprint for a national rape, a recipe to plunder a country, ruin its infrastructure, steal resources and enslave peoples worldwide. If you do not inform yourself with this film or ones on the same theme, then you will be baffled at what if happening all around you. There is a true evil at play in today’s world in the form of a small cabal of individuals who are assuming it is their right and responsibility to control us all and they are well on the way to doing so.

Therefore I ask you all to watch “International Monetary System – New Economic Slavery,” and educate yourself because if we don’t make an effort, we will wake up one day and wonder how it all got so bad.

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