Let's Express


Former British Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford was invited on BBC during the week to give his views on Bashar al-Assad and the chemical weapons attack, which prompted the US bombing raid on a Syrian airfield.

For those who don't know, the BBC has become the sixth channel of the five main American networks and like them it broadcasts the PC propaganda of the official party line from their echo chambers. I had been watching the piece before it and when I saw the introduction of the Former British Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford I just thought, "More of the same."

Shortly after the attack there were official verbal responses from the US saying that, "They knew Assad was responsible." Once said it was echoed on all channels and soon Government officials were calling him a beast. The momentum built up then as various 'experts' were trotted out to declare it was reason to overthrow Assad with the usual reference to the "International Community." We, the public, were, (are), being brain-washed and softened for a joint American-British move on Syria so I assumed this respectable looking Ford gentleman was on to add to this.

How wrong I was! "Fed up with the state sponsored propaganda from the very start, Peter Ford dispensed with niceties and disagreed on every level possible with the very first question put to him by the BBC host.
Referring to claims that Assad is responsible for the chemical attack in Syria, the BBC host said, “That’s a statement of fact, right?” This was to set the tone and mood of what was to follow, but amazingly, Ford disagreed. “It’s a myth,” Ford said, his voice thick with disgust for mainstream media idiocy and lies. I noted a look of mild confusion on the presenter's face. “It’s a statement of non-fact,” Ford continued. Then he put the boot in. “What’s needed is an investigation, because there are two possibilities for what happened. One is the American version, that Assad dropped chemical weapons on this locality. The other version is that an ordinary bomb was dropped and it hit a munitions dump where jihadis were storing chemical weapons. We don’t know which of these two possibilities is the correct one. Remember the run up to Iraq. The experts, the intelligence agencies, the politicians were convinced that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. They produced reams of evidence, photographs, diagrams. They were all wrong. It was all wrong. It’s possible that they are wrong in this instance as well. That they are just looking for a pretext to attack Syria.”

His words crystalized for me the unease I felt since this latest round began. It was 9/11 again, an excuse to act aggressively, ignore international law and have the support of the American people with it. Aware the truth quotient was way too high for his superiors’ liking, the BBC host went into damage control mode, and started reading from the same script CNN and MSNBC hosts use whenever a guest dares to go against the deep state approved narrative.

Ford responded though. “I don’t leave my brains at the door when I examine a situation analytically. I try to be objective,” he said. I do that myself also when I ask myself, who stands to gain here? Ford answered this nicely for me when he went on to say, “Assad may be cruel, brutal… but he’s not mad. It defies belief that he would bring this all on his head for no military advantage, the site that was hit had no military significance, it made absolutely no sense. It angered the Russians. For no other reason, it’s simply not plausible.” He could have added that Assad must have known the predictable response he'd get from Washington and London as well. 

It is ironic too to hear US/UK politicians and spokespersons refer to Assad as a barbaric dictator given their own close ties with Saudi Arabia. What do they imagine the King of Saudi is, a fucking boy scout? He isn't of course but what he is is their biggest customer for weapons of destruction and death. Saudi Arabia has brought boom times for the western armaments industries as it seeks ever more savage methods to destroy Yemen.

So I'm glad Peter Ford came on the BBC and told the truth.The fact of the matter in Syria is that the US & UK are seeking to do to it what they did to Iraq using all the same false flag tactics to get it started. There is published evidence for those who wish to find it that the CIA covertly began operations to overthrow Assad six years ago. Accusations have been made that the same CIA actually set-up, trained and pay ISIS volunteers and have been doing so for many years. And why not? They did the same thing in Pakistan/Afghanistan when setting up Al-Qaeda all those years before. The covert operation is staged to ferment disharmony and create violent opposition. When it reaches the stage it is at now, a false flag operation, (such as a chemical attack), is committed and blamed on the Government in situ. This becomes the excuse and pretext for an overt attack and the outcome of that is just a question of time. It is a tried and tested US method.

Therefore, it is sad that so many decent people cannot see this for themselves and in the absence of truth, those same decent people will be quietly supportive of yet another war, this time to destroy Syria for good. Neither Afghanistan, Iraq nor Libya were done for the good of the citizens of those poor countries. It was, as successive American Presidents openly claimed, "Done in the interests of America. Sadly too, you can add the UK to that now also and when Syria is reduced to rubble and chaos, they'll turn their full attention on Iran.

But unlike all that has gone before, the Assad tale will have a nasty twist, a Chino-Russian twist I suspect. In the seventies along the Iron Curtain the American Military coined the phrase, "Don't prod the sleeping bear." It meant, "Don't provoke the Russian military. In their wars in Indo-China , in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia etc, the Yanks were careful never to get into direct confrontation with China. That wise reluctance has kept the peace until now but they'll meet the Russians in Syria and they'll meet both the Russians and Chinese in Iran if they try to go there. They are even risking going nose to nose with the Chinese sooner rather than later in North Korea. If Russian jets were to decimate elements of an American ground force in Northern Syria next week, it would escalate wildly after that. 

It is my belief that those demanding the overthrow of Assad are pushing us quickly to just such an incident.

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