Let's Express


In the wake of the travel ban from Trump the media is alive today with wild condemnation of the man.

Personally, I have no doubt that the lad is a bit loopy but perhaps we could do with a bit of loopiness rather than the usual propaganda. But he has certainly set the official propaganda machines  whirring everywhere and demands are being made here for Enda Kenny to snub the invitation to the White House on Patrick's Day to ah, show him we mean business.

What a load of twaddle! Ireland is the only country in the World to have a standing invitation once a year to met the current U.S, President. If out Government is truly serious in their opposition to the travel ban then they have a golden opportunity to sit with the looney himself and tell him first hand. Does anyone really think Trump will give a flying fuck if he doesn't get a bowel of shamrock.

But what interested me was the wall of insults coming from Europe and aimed squarely at the Donald. In my lifetime I have seen many's the President come and go and every one of them have been congratulated and welcomed onto the world stage. Then they are given the mandatory one hundred days of peace and support before the shit starts to fly. Trump was insulted all the way to his inauguration and if anything, the volume has gone up since. 

In the clamor to damn him to hell about this travel ban, nobody has mentioned the gunmen and bombers from extreme Islam who caused the ban. The Paris attacks, the guy in the truck boring into an innocent crowd, the bastards in Brussels and so many more. These self-appointed heroes praised Allah in each case least any of us be confused as to their motives. They were murdering the soft-touch infidels to carry out Allah's will. If Muslims this morning are angry at being banned from America then should look first to their own home-grown loonies rather than the White House looney. What they are witnessing is cause, course and consequence. 

However, I see that Trump has not included Saudi Arabia, that notable Bank of Terrorism with the most extreme strain of Islam. Indeed wealthy Islam is excluded from his wish-list and that surely is telling. Reading down his list of prescribed countries it is the impoverished ones he doesn't want within an asses roar of the  USA. Muslims with their own jets are still very welcome! If I were Enda with the shamrock bowel, (diddle-de-i-doh), I'd ask him about that. I'd ask is it a rich-poor thing as opposed to any terrorist bullshit. I'd ask how he feels about poor Americans too. I mean, he could probably present each of the American poor with a once in a lifetime holiday abroad, pass a law while they're away and then not let them in on their return. Think of it. He could then declare America the only country in the world with no poverty. But I digress.

On another note, I profess to being bemused by Donald's use of the twitter machine. Then yesterday on radio an Irish journalist explained it. The big-wig complained all the through his campaign that the media were against him so our man reckons that if he were to go the traditional presidential route through the media, they'd twist everything he said. Instead, tweeting offers the nutter two advantages. He gets to talk directly to his electorate and he's not required to say too much either. Just a short soundbite open to multiple interpretations. Bertie Ahern could tell him all he needs to know about that particular skill set.

And one wonders if Lord of the Tweets continues to provoke China, will he some evening just tweet General Secretary Xi Jinping to tell him their two countries are at war.

Don't rule it out!

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