Let's Express

“WORLD REPORT” (according to this guy).

The United States have long waged proxy wars against countries whose leaders they don't like. This fact is reported all over the public domain with instances in South America, Central America, Asia and North Africa over the last sixty years or more. 

These proxy wars involve CIA men on the ground allying themselves secretly with violent opposition to whatever regime is in power and then funding, training and arming the hard men to cause a bloody revolution in that country, (think Nicaragua). The popular leader is usually assassinated and his followers either butchered or cowed. Though expensive, it is far cheaper than involving the American armed forces directly. When the trouble inevitably begins then, they condemn the leaders of the country at both the UN and at diplomatic levels. They tend not to rest until the country in question descends into chaos. Then via the World Bank and the IMF, they rush money in while also awarding the re-building contracts to those American Companies in favour. 

Usually a new Washington-friendly leader is appointed and has his pockets quickly stuffed with money for his personal use making sure the real poor get fuck-all. A couple of years later, in comes the IMF demanding their money back and that's when the natural resources or wherever is valuable, gets grabbed by the American interests in part payment for the loans. It is simply an act of national rape by the most powerful nation on earth because they can, as Obama might say. They have done this to the former republics of the old Soviet Union with Ukraine being the latest casualty.

In the Middle-East, they pulled their trick in Libya with success and also in Egypt, though the latter was less bloody. In the eighties, they armed the rebels against a Soviet Kabul before finally invading that country to take control of the opium trail, (and that is where they recruited Osama Bin Laden too). Unable to stir up enough trouble for Saddam Hussain, they had no other choice but to invade Iraq to control the oil in that country. The United Sates now has military bases in 160 countries around the world, projecting American power everywhere and always acting in its interests.

Proxy wars offer plausible deniablity and far from owning up to their involvement, the US refers to the new entity they created as a democratic country. Indeed, they refer to any and all of their aggressive illegal actions as, "Giving democracy to the people." This is utter bullshit. In another breath you will hear them defending anything they do by saying that, "America always acts in its own interests." Now that bit is absolutely true but what's different since the second world war is that acting in its own interests has become doing as they please in the world because nobody credible stands in their way, or so they think. They have come to believe that any resource or land-grab they wish to pull off is justifiable because they are the greatest nation on earth. What they have become though is the greatest, most inscrutable bully in the yard. 

Lest my few American readers are getting annoyed at this point, allow me to make the distinction between the American people and those in charge over there. Having said that however, it is all being done in your name so you are being blamed for doing nothing about it at home. Unless the American people stop their leaders then this state of affairs will continue until we finally have a third world war. At the moment, America is positioning tactical nuclear weapons across Eastern Europe on the Russian border. This had drawn a predictable response from the Ruskies. In an op-ed in the New York Times recently, former acting CIA director Michael Morell said, "We Need to Kill Russians and Iranians." The piece he wrote is a chilling read.

The Obama Administration has not disguised its desire to invade Iran and the Saudis are urging them to do just that. In the South China Sea, there are two American Navy carrier groups facing down a resurgent Chinese Navy and a couple of near misses have been reported there in the last four months. Would the USA sit idly by if two Chinese carrier groups were patrolling the Gulf of Mexico? Indeed what would they do if the Russia were to position tactical nuclear weapons across the Canadian border? Imagine Warsaw Pact troops running exercises in Mexico as another example. Then ask yourself, who is the belligerent nation today? 

In my opinion, the Americans ignored a great opportunity with the fall of the Soviet Union. For a few years then, there was the chance to ally the other great nuclear power in return for an updated Marshall Plan for Russia. The willingness to do so was apparent on the Russian side at the time and if it had happened, you could have ended up with an alliance of the USA, Russia and Europe. Imagine the effect on the world of those three power blocs singing off the same hymn sheet. Instead the Americans choose the confrontational route and now both Russia and China are tooling up to defend themselves against American aggression.  Some of America's allies in Europe are also getting uncomfortable as well. I think it was Einstein who said, "I don't know what weapons will be used in the third world war but in the fourth one, they will be throwing stones at each other."

I've had sixty good years on earth so if a big fiery ball in the sky ends it for me then I'm ready to meet my maker. But I have two kids just kicking off and for their sake, I wish the Yanks would just tone it down. A nation of 300 million people will not subjugate 7 billion others no matter what they do. Russia and China have already signed bi-lateral pacts in their mutual interests as an offset to the growing American threat to their territory. India is negotiating joining that also while in Europe, many are beginning to question the need for NATO in the absence of the cold war, the reason NATO was set up. America has destabilized the Middle-East, invaded Iraq and Afganistan, bombed the shit out of Islam and supported the Saudi occupation of Yemen. They are destroying Syria, have turned Libya into a basket-case of gangster gangs and there is evidence they set up, armed and trained ISIS as well via the CIA. You will not hear this in the mainstream media but you'll find the information on the 'yet to be controlled' internet. 

So on a personal level, this is not meant to be a rant against the United States. Rather it is a plea for some sanity and clear thinking. I hear the drums of war beating across the globe and I am pointing the finger at the nation responsible. But there will be no winners if some obscure incident somewhere lights the fuse. The bullets that killed an Austrian Archduke on a Serbian street 102 years ago started the first global war and that war begat the second one too. Despite mainstream media claims that America is under attack, it plainly isn't in any military sense. Instead it is the aggressor not the defender. 

For all of our sakes, that can't go on.

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