Let's Express

9/11 – Part 3 (The in-conclusion)

You should check out Part 1 and Part 2  in those locations before proceeding onto this part.

It troubles me to write this, it truly does. I am not a knocker of America or anything like that. There is a greatness to the United States which cannot be denied. But I sense something evil in 9/11 and its implications are profound for all of us. I cannot say whether it is the pivotal moment in history but it most certainly is one of them.

The only conclusion on that day I can reach is that either the official version of events is right and truthful or it was a massive conspiracy to hide something really unbelievable, shameful and unthinkable. You see, either Osama Bin Laden masterminded a very sophisticated attack on America on September 11th, 2001, or elements inside the American Government perpetrated a false flag attack operation on their own citizens and their property to spread confusion and hatred. The implications of the latter argument are almost too frightening to contemplate.

The document, "American Blueprint for a New Century,"  penned in 1999 was signed by some of the leading players on the American side during 9/11. Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz and others in the Bush Administration all had a hand in developing a strategy of military interventions around the Globe but cautioned that it would need a "Pearl-Harbour-like" event to kick start their ambitions. A devastating attack on American soil by its enemies would be needed to justify their actions in the eyes of the American people. These actions were the invasions they perceived to be needed by them to ensure American supremacy in the world. I suggest that too many coincidences have taken place since that fateful day for all of this to be ignored or discarded. If it walks like a duck and t quacks like a duck then it is probably a duck. Two point three trillion dollars would also buy a lot of compliance and silence needed for a huge conspiracy. 

In the West, America is supposed to be our "beacon of truth and freedom." It should stand for everything that is right and good about democracy and capitalism. It must be that place of propriety and accountability which sets the standards for the rest of us. Above all, the American Government has to be almost above suspicion in its dealings with its own people. Germans are rightly embarrassed and ashamed by what was been done in their name in the last century and they look up to America. Even Japan has apologized for the part they played and are frantically trying to copy America. The Second World War was a costly method of trying to ensure that tyrants never again plunge the whole world into such destruction and policing that has always been America. Whether as a counter-weight to Communism or a leader in technology, America represents the hope of mankind. What 9/11 does though is to start you questioning this at its core. If, and I still hopefully say, 'if,' the attacks on America that day were carried out by Americans, then all bets are off. The implications of that, if true, must shake the foundations of all of our beliefs. It is almost too painful to imagine it being true. 

But if there is a shred of truth to any of it, then very evil men are in positions of great power in the USA and democracy is not working over there at all, and then by implication, it isn't working here either. If you are even beginning to think that there could be truth in any of it then you have to re-visit everything that they have done as a result of 9/11 and ever since. It is a matter of historical fact that al-Qaeda is the Arab name for "database" and the original al-Qaeda database was set up by the CIA in Pakistan as a list of fundamentalist Arab fighters signing up to go to war with the Russians in Afghanistan.  One of those many fighters was a young Saudi idealist by the name of Osama Bin Laden. On behalf of the USA, the CIA funded, armed and trained these guys to join the mujahideen across the Pakistani border. It is no mistake then when President George Bush, (junior), declared war on an intangible thing called 'terrorism,' that it had a name and that was al-Qaeda. 

By declaring war on an intangible thing called terrorism, the architects ensured they could smear any country by declaring they supported terrorism or harbored terrorists and this in turn justified "intervening" in that country. This then spawned more terrorists and this ensured a war without end. Thus, as a result of 9/11, America is permanently at war. If America is at war then all the rest of us in the West are, by definition, are also at war with her declared enemies. It would be bad enough if this was some sort of justified war – even then the implications are awful. But if it was all cooked up on the 11th September 2001 to promote somebody's ambitions of hegemony, then it is THE criminal act of the century. And if so, the sheer scale of it defies description, in more ways than one. Hell is not hot enough for the perpetrators of such an outrage. 

If as seems apparent, the buildings in New York were brought down by controlled explosives, then this was planned months or even years in advance and it would have taken several weeks before 9/11 to plant the explosive power necessary to bring down such substantial structures. Unfettered access would have been required for teams of the very top people in demolition and huge secrecy among an army of collaborators would have been a must. Frankly that eliminates a bunch of rag-tag Muslim fundamentalists. 

Then I think about the overwhelming majority of 300 million Americans who live on a continent they believe to be the envy of the world. They are naturally kind and decent and well-meaning. What are the implications for them if something like this has been done in their name? Currently the average American overseas is bemused by hostility they meet to their nationality. Individually they know they are not bad people. What is it, they must wonder, that so irks the local population about their accent?

So soon into the new century, the violence of 9/11 appears to have set the agenda for everything else. It is the rallying point and justification for almost anything now and by God, has it spawned some pretty dubious international actions. But what if the premise for these was spurious? What if we have all been intentionally mis-led? That is the real fall-out from that awful day.

You see our system of capitalism and our very currencies are built on trust. Our children have to trust us and we in turn must trust our leaders. As all of us either know or have found out the hard way, that trust is something that takes years of consistency to build but only a moment of madness to totally destroy. The power of Government, the legislature and banking all come from that core trust the people have in their institutions. Without that trust, it is all just a house of cards. Without it, the American dream becomes a nightmare and the power of the collective becomes the helplessness of the individuals. For our very way of life to survive, we absolutely must be able to trust our leaders and their core integrity. That is why 9/11 is so vital and that is why so many of us don't even want to go there. It is too frightening to contemplate.

And I still don't really want to believe it either ………….


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