Let's Express


Time was when you had something for sale there had to be a demand for. The equation was simple. If what you had was not wanted by anyone, you couldn’t shift it even it you offered it free. If there was a demand though, you were in the game. It then needed to be priced right, available and in reasonable condition.

As marketing and advertising became more sophisticated the brains in that field created a new equation. They came up with the idea that there were things you wanted that you just didn’t know you wanted. The thinking was that if they just told you that you wanted it then you’d happily part with the required cash to have it. Ads began to appear that implied something wrong with you if you didn’t have the need with strong suggestions that you didn’t know what you were missing.

This state of affairs then evolved further when what was for sale became fuzzy. In Apple for years we sold personal computers. We even implied a lacking in you if you didn’t want one of our Macs. Then we stopped selling computers. We were retrained to sell “lifestyle choices,” if you don’t mind. Using clever marketing a whole new raft of ads played on the association of ideas that strongly suggested that if you owned a Mac you were somehow “with it.” You were in the groove, you were hip and you were modern. Your Mac said more about you than anything you had ever possessed. Apparently that famous Apple logo in your surroundings made others jealous of you.

The point of it all was to get you to buy what you didn’t absolutely need. I’m not blaming Apple for this because it is only good business and you’re the idiot if you fall for it with your own money. There are still tasks that only a Mac will do properly but at the time Apple shifted its focus, there was a serious doubt that the Mac would even survive, so well done Apple. Look at them now.

But selling has evolved even further today. The big scam now is to get your product or service declared compulsory. If big business can get Government to make what they sell compulsory by law then sales will flood into that company. This is especially true when it comes to selling FEAR. Producers of horror movies have known for years that many strange people will pay good money to have the shit scared out of them. However, it is still your own choice whether you go to the cinema or not. But climate change is based on selling you that fear and as a product, its rise has been incredible by any measure.

“The global climate change industry is worth an annual $1.5 trillion, according to Climate Change Business Journal. That’s the equivalent of $4 billion a day spent on vital stuff like carbon trading, biofuels, and wind turbines. Or — as Jo Nova notes — it’s the same amount the world spends every year on online shopping.” So how much is that? A million is equal to a thousand thousands (1,000 x 1,000). A billion is equal to a thousand millions (1,000 x 1,000,000). A trillion is equal to a thousand billions (1,000 x 1,000,000,000) or a million millions (1,000,000 x 1,000,000). If you went back in time a trillion seconds, it would take you to 30,000 BC.

Climate Change has only one product and that is fear but the secret is that it is a fear of everything. Logically none of us would voluntarily buy in to that level of fear so it has been made compulsory instead. “You have no choice in the matter whatsoever. It’s already priced into your taxes, your electricity bills, the cost of your petrol, the cost of your airfare, the cost of every product you buy and every service you use. It is utterly inescapable, this expenditure.” You are ordered to buy an unhealthy dollop of fear all the time.

Compulsory invoices are the single biggest sales tool ever invented. Even better, there is no end to the amount of fear products that can be invented. And apart from a hefty consultancy fee to the imaginative inventor, there are no raw materials costs, no production costs and the taxpayer covers all of the distribution costs to make themselves and all around them aware of this new fear.

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